Jan 31
Dec 12, 2024
Your Channel No 5 perfume has it. Some of your expensive body massage oil also has it as well. It is a star ingredient in luxury and aromatic products. And therefore one of the most sought after flowers apart from Jasmine for its heady fragrance. It is called Ylang- Ylang. There are two varieties. This climbing Ylang-Ylang is called, Artabotrys hexapetalus. The other variety is Cananga Odorata which has similar type of fragrant flowers but is long stalked. This is a climbing vine that also has a shrubby look. The peduncle forms a hook that helps in climbing. The name “ylang-ylang” comes from the Tagalog term “ilang-ilang,” meaning “wilderness,” reflecting its natural habitat. Local names are beautiful for they describe the character of a flower. In Tamil it is called Manoranjitham meaning that which captivates the mind. It is beleieved that if you inhale the fragrance of the flower thinking of a fruit, you can smell the fruit. There are six green petals in the blooming stage which turn yellow as the flower fades making it even more aromatic. The flower is at its height of fragrance late in the evening and is pollinated by nocturnal moths and insects. A oval shaped fruit forms sometimes.
Every time I go to a nursery, I’m charmed by the beautiful and vibrant orchids. It is an esteemed flower, both a gardener’s pride and challenge. Recently I had the opportunity to meet with Dr. Madhusudan, the Technical Manager of the Orchid and Succulents division at INDAM nursery. He willingly shared his knowledge on how to properly cultivate these plants. I've summarized the key insights from our conversation so that we can all grow orchids with more confidence.
Orchids have unique environmental requirements that differ from many of our other plants. They require high humidity levels and diffused sunlight to thrive. According to Dr. Madhusudan, the key to successfully growing orchids is understanding their natural habitat. Orchids are native to the tropics and subtropics, where they flourish in warm, humid environments. Cool-growing orchid species, such as Miltoniopsis, originate from high-altitude, cloud-covered forest environments. In contrast, intermediate-growing orchids, like Cattleya, are found naturally in subtropical climates, adapted to warmer but not overly hot temperatures. Warm-growing orchids, including Vanda, come from the steamy, moisture-rich rainforests at or near sea level. These orchids require consistently warm, humid conditions to flourish. What remains constant for all orchids is humidity, without which they will die.
If you wish to grow an Orchid garden, dedicate a space for them. Here are the things that you need to do. Cover the space with a green net to trap sunlight, add misty water sprayers, and provide good air circulation which will pump up the humidity. You can also use pebble trays or place the plants near a small water feature like a fountain. A relatively stable temperature range is essential for orchids to develop well whether they're cultivated indoors or in a greenhouse setting. Also, avoid positioning them in strong air drafts or air-conditioned rooms.
Many orchids find home when mounted on wooden planks or tree bark, which provides ideal aeration and drainage for their roots. When potting, use a well-draining medium like one formulated specifically for epiphytic orchids. Orchid placement is also crucial - orient them towards the east or north to provide the appropriate light levels.
Once you have a set up ready, select the right plant. Here are some points to look out for while buying orchids. Buy from authentic sellers who are a trusted supplier and source of guidance for home orchid growers. Check the tag or label for the orchid's species name, native habitat, and optimal growing conditions - this knowledge will guide your care strategy.
If you are a beginner, Dr Madhusudan recommends growing simple ones like Phalaenopsis or Dendrobium because they adapt quickly to subtle changes. Look for orchids with bright, non-drooping leaves and healthy roots free of rot. Avoid any plants showing signs of disease like spots or sogginess. The orchid should be in an active growth phase, with fresh leaves. If buying a blooming plant, choose one with a few unopened flower buds.
When you bring a new orchid home, it's best to keep it isolated for a few days before introducing it to your existing collection. This quarantine period can prevent the spread of any disease or pests. Orchids require regular fertilization with both macro and micronutrients to stay healthy. A well-scheduled feeding regimen is essential. Additionally, preventative treatment with pesticides and fungicides can ward off common issues.
Orchid blooms stay for nearly two to four months in a year. When the flowers are nearing their blooming phase, cut the spent blooms to redirect the plant's energy into producing new leaves rather than maintaining the old flowers. This helps delay leaf yellowing and drying.
Orchids prefer a fine mist of water. If growing in pots, you can dunk the entire plant, but ensure the water drains completely and doesn't stagnate. Avoid sharing this water between different orchids to prevent disease transmission. For orchids growing on barks and wooden planks, throw a mug of water aimed at the roots.
Orchids can be long-lived, perennial plants. As they mature, they'll develop more branches and flower spikes. You might become a successful Orchid
parent if you follow the right care and conditions. I picked up a Phalaenopsis after the interview and is now growing on the bark of a tree. Dr Madhusudan also spoke about cacti and succulents, which I will summarize in the next column.
Happy Gardening from the Orchid family. This was originally published in Deccan Herald in the June issue of Arts and Pursuits. I have included the name of Dr Madhusudan from INDAM nursery with whom I had this interesting converation.